Start your quit smoking journey today

Quit smoking to improve your health and save money

Quitmate has been designed to help you on your quit smoking journey.

Discreet, fast and convenient treatment via a phone consult that fits around your schedule.

Access to quit smoking experts to develop an individual treatment plan.

Ongoing support and follow up appointments and support.

Smoking Cessation Doctors

The Quitmate program has been designed to help you quit smoking, with a group of clinicians and support staff available every step of the way.

Quitting smoking is a process and usually requires multiple attempts and professional support. It's okay if you have tried to quit smoking and have been unsuccessful. That's normal. Our clinicians understand the journey you need to take for you to quit smoking for good.

What To Expect

0 to 3 months

  • Get a personalised quit smoking strategy from a Quitmate clinician.
  • Start counselling and therapy to help you quit.

3 to 6 months

  • Monitor your progress with your Quitmate clinician to prevent any risk of relapse to smoking cigarettes.
  • Coordinate ongoing therapy to maintain smoking cessation.

6 to 12 months

  • Ongoing review with your progress.
  • Important we only start reducing therapy when you are psychologically ready.